8 Phases

Due to the fact that Morganna Mode Gone [Morganna] malfunctioned and split herself into 8 programs, the 8 phases no longer ONLY existed in the Epitaph of Twilight. Morganna made them the parts of her and sent them out to capture Aura and bring her growth to a spinning end.

Phase 1: Skeith

In the Epitaph of Twilight, Skeith is the first presage of The Cursed Wave to show itself. Riding into the Chosen Land for battle beyond the Dividing Forest, he carries the Shadow of Death which drowns all. 

The Terror of Death: This program was designed to collect data on HUMAN emotions and reactions to death. The information collected by all phases was copied to the Ultimate A.I. 
"Riding the Wave is Skeith, The Shadow Of Death, to drown out ALL that stands."
-Written in The Epitaph of Twilight-