Morganna Mode Gone

Morganna Mode Gone, though shortened to Morganna was a system Harold created to oversee the birth of Aura also known as the Ultimate A.I. based off of the personality data of the players in The World. In the end, she realized that she would have no purpose once Aura was born and would stall the growth of Aura indefinitely, bringing about much discord. Morganna from the beginning never had a proper form. She never had a physical body at all. She is normally just heard but once she began to malfunction, she presented herself as the Cursed Wave from the Epitaph of Twilight. She divided the elements of her program into the 8 phases whereas, the 'WHOLE' of Morganna is represented by the visible changes in the environment and structure of The World. Seeing as she IS in fact The World itself, damage to her brings about corruption in The World. 

Appeared mostly as:
  1. An older, sickly almost scarecrow-like version of Aura, with over large, dark ringed pupil-less eyes.
  2. She is seen as a single, enormous disembodied eye floating above Net Slum.
  3. She appears as the FINAL phase: Corbenik.