Harold Hoerwick

Introducing the person who began Fragment--Harold Hoerwick. On the game aspect and if you've played, you'll find that Harold Hoerwick was German and he's the man who began Fragment. It all started with Emma Wielant. She was rich and in his eyes beautiful. When he met her, he basically fell in love with her and at some point in time, he wanted to marry her. Emma, being fully aware of it, did NOT want to marry him. She was just using him for his work, to advance in her own work. They were suppose to meet up one day. Harold waited under said Ginko Tree but Emma never showed up. Come to find out, she had gotten into a fatal car accident and never made it to him. When Harold found out, of course, common sense will tell you that because the person is dead, you cannot marry them. You cannot go any further. Because Harold was so in love with her, he resumed his research with the longing of Emma being alive once again and wanting to be her lover. Thus came Fragment based off that. He also created an AI supposedly by the name of Aura. It was to symbolize his love for Emma. If you think of it in a real prospective, you could say he loved Emma so much and wanted to be with her so much that he wanted her to bare his children but because death had taken her from him, Aura was another way out. He made Aura, like any normal child. Starting off as a baby, to a little girl and then to a preteen, to a teenager, to an adult. The problem was, once Aura was made, so came Morganna Mode Gone, an AI. Harold programmed it to be like a motherly figure to Aura while he pretty much contemplated and then decided that he was going to sacrifice his real body and put himself into the game. Now that M.M.G is present as a motherly figure, Aura there as a daughter and now Harold himself there, it's like the family he most likely wanted with Emma but never made it there. Little did Harold know that, his good intentions had just become rotten to the core. Fancy this, Morganna, mind you this is an AI, realized that after her 'daughter' Aura grew up fully, her purpose as mother would be diminished. This AI had now become determined to still the growth of her supposed daughter no matter what the cost and Harold could do nothing to stop it. If you look at it, Harold Hoerwick never died. He just remained trapped in The World as a useless loop.

Harold's Reference to A.I.

"Humans have physical limits, but the A.I. has no limits to growth. I want to know where it will lead. I want to see what lies there."