Phase 4-Fidchell

In the Epitaph of Twilight, Fidchell's prophecies of a dark future caused the light of hope to be lost in the lands of the Wave visits, resigning to despair and hopelessness.
The Prophet: This program was designed to collect data on the human concept of unavoidable fate. After the battle with this fourth phase, Morganna attempted to spread beyond the game servers to allieviate her increasing size which was causing heightened instability.
"With the Wave, Fidchell, the power to tell the dark future, hope darkens and sadness and despair rules."
--Written in the Epitaph of Twilight--

Fidchell's 'Oracles'

"All WILL be flayed alive by my electric fury."

"All WILL burn by the fires of hell."

"All WILL freeze by the biting chills of my wrath."

"All WILL tremble by my terrible will."

Fidchell's Prophecy

Note:: This is apparently a fragment of the Epitaph of Twilight.

"Like a frenzied horse that is driven. An unseen wind of plague shrieks across the vorder. Pandemonium, wailing, and stench of carnage fills the air. There is no place to run. No hope of escape. Those who are mourned will never return. The hands of time cannot be turned back."